Soup is my portal to detoxing

Ambika Devi
2 min readJun 6, 2021

One of my favorite ways to support and comfort my body and is to eat lightly. I know this seems overly-simplified but it really is an easy way to soothe the body’s systems.

We must become completely honest about how we are feeling and functioning. Sure signs that we are in need of a detox are: Irritability, sleeplessness, and poor digestion.

I find that intermittent fasting is great for this and what seems to give it a boost is to eat a light soup for dinner before the sun sets and to wait a full 16 hours before eating again. One or two days of this sets me straight and I wager if you try it — you will agree!

I don’t know why so many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of making soup. For me it is the laziest and fastest choice for a meal. What could be easier than throwing ingredients into a blender? Here is one of my absolute favorite recipes.

Watercress Asparagus Soup April 29, 2009©Ambika Devi


Splash of Olive oil

pinch of Asafoetida*

pinch of Cumin

½ teaspoon minced fresh ginger

1 cup Watercress, washed and chopped

4–6 spears of Asparagus cut into pieces.

1 ½ cups broth or water

1 ripe Avocado

1 1/2 cups of Cilantro

pinch of Nutmeg

1/4 cup Almond Milk, your favorite milk

Salt and Pepper to taste

*I do not eat garlic and onion but if you do, you can use them instead. Just use a small amount for flavor. Simply saute to your desired texture and flavor.


Warm a sauce pan and heat the oil.

Add the Asafetida and Cumin

Add the ginger and saute for a few minutes until the ginger sweats.

Add the Asparagus and gently saute until the color begins to turn bright green.

Add the broth or water with the milk and warm it to desired temperature.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Add the heated ingredients along with the remaining ingredients into the blender and whiz it on high until creamy and smooth.

Just before serving a pinch of nutmeg, the milk if you are using it, and garnish with a couple spears of Asparagus

Enjoy this soup and if you find it filling, reserve the avocado seed to place in the leftover. This will keep it bright green and fresh. Please remove the seed before reheating it.

I believe you are going to love this soup and the way you feel the next day after practicing a dinner of eating light!



Ambika Devi

Ambika is an international award winning best-selling author, expert astrologer, meditation Jedi, speaker and storyteller who loves Lego!